
Parents & Friends Group (P&F)

Get Involved and Join Us

We believe the engagement of our families in the learning, development and support of their children while a part of Trinity Christian School, is vital. Recognising the importance of this role and to facilitate the contribution of families and the wider community to the School’s educational and missional goals, our P&F Group was established in 2019 as the primary mechanism for engagement.

The Trinity P&F provides a collaborative and readily accessible forum for families and the community to meet regularly with the school to discuss matters relating to the education of the students, promote social contact among families and provide practical and prayerful support to school families and the wider community.

To find out how you can be involved or to contact our P&F Executive Committee please email us.

P&F Meetings

P&F meetings and connect activities are excellent ways to meet other families and build strong relationships in our school community. Please mark your calendars and diaries with the following General Meetings.

2024 General Meetings

  • Wednesday 8 May
  • Wednesday 31 July
  • Wednesday 23 October

P&F Connect Events

Catch Up & Pray (C.U.P)

C.U.P. is a P&F initiative to provide an opportunity for our community across the school to catch up, check-in on each other and spend some time in prayer. Meetings usually occur on the first Tuesday of the month (in term time) in the Performing Arts Centre Cafe.

All Trinity families are welcome to come for as little or as long as you are able. Registration is not required.

What’s Happening in 2024

The P&F look forward to seeing you at one of these events in 2024:

  • Kindy Playdate – 23 February​
  • Mother’s Day Breakfast – Friday 10 May​
  • Father’s Day Sausage Sizzle and Games Afternoon – Friday 30 August​
  • Carols on the Green – Monday 9 December

Parent Dinners

  • Early Learning Centre – Tuesday 27 February​
  • Junior School – Wednesday 27 March​
  • Middle School – Wednesday 5 June​
  • Senior School – Wednesday 14 August​

Watch Notes Home for the venue and booking details.

Trinity Christian School is a nurturing Christian community of excellence, where students develop spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically through a wide range of learning experiences.